OreSpawn.cfg File
Here is how to change and edit the OreSpawn.cfg file to customize your experience.
We do not suggest changing anything if you don't need to but for those with servers, this may be helpful.
How to edit:
After running with OreSpawn for the first time, the file OreSpawn.cfg will be created in your .minecraft/config directory.
Find your .minecraft directory:
In the official Minecraft launcher, select your modded profile in the drop-down menu in the bottom-left corner and click the "Edit Profile" button. It will open a window. Click on the button at the bottom of that window that says "Open Game Dir." This will take you to your .minecraft folder, then just open the folder that says "config." The OreSpawn.cfg file will be in there. If this doesn't work, use the Finder/Window search bar to look for the file named "OreSpawn.cfg"
Open OreSpawn.cfg:
OreSpawn.cfg is a plain text file. Edit it with your favorite text editor. (Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac should be fine!)
To open, Right click on the file and select "Open with" then (if needed) choose "Other". Find the application and choose it.
Save the changes and exit your editor.
We do not suggest changing anything if you don't need to but for those with servers, this may be helpful.
How to edit:
After running with OreSpawn for the first time, the file OreSpawn.cfg will be created in your .minecraft/config directory.
Find your .minecraft directory:
In the official Minecraft launcher, select your modded profile in the drop-down menu in the bottom-left corner and click the "Edit Profile" button. It will open a window. Click on the button at the bottom of that window that says "Open Game Dir." This will take you to your .minecraft folder, then just open the folder that says "config." The OreSpawn.cfg file will be in there. If this doesn't work, use the Finder/Window search bar to look for the file named "OreSpawn.cfg"
Open OreSpawn.cfg:
OreSpawn.cfg is a plain text file. Edit it with your favorite text editor. (Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac should be fine!)
To open, Right click on the file and select "Open with" then (if needed) choose "Other". Find the application and choose it.
Save the changes and exit your editor.
The "orespawnmobs" section has greatly expanded. Most mob settings can be easily identified by their names. Some can't. Those are:
Non-hostile mobs can be simply enabled or disabled via their <mobname>Enable= value. Hostile mobs have a few other settings that can be changed.
<mobname>Enable - default 1, 0 = no automatic spawning. Manual spawning via eggs still works. Existing mobs will stay. No new ones will be spawned.
<mobname>_attack - the attack value for the mob. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file.
<mobname>_defense - the armor/defense value for the mob. Can be adjusted up or down by 4, but not more than 22 or less than 0.
<mobname>_health - the health for that mob. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file.
The "orespawnores" section now allows you to have a little more control over ore rate and locations.
<orename>_clumpsize - is the size of the clump of ores in the ground. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file. Bigger = more.
<orename>_maxdepth - is the highest Y level at which the ore can be found. Must be greater than _mindepth.
<orename>_mindepth - is the lowest Y level at which the ore can be found. Must be less than _maxdepth.
<orename>_rate - is the relative rate that the ore is created. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file. Bigger = more common.
The "orespawnarmor" section allows you to tweak armor values and enchantments up or down.
<armortype>_boots_damage_reduce - how much boots will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_chest_damage_reduce - how much chestplate will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_leggings_damage_reduce - how much leggings will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_head_damage_reduce - how much helmet will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_enchant_<enchantment> - the level of that enchantment for the armor. Min 1/2 original value, no max.
<armortype>_enchantability - the maximum magic this armor can handle. Range 1/2 to double original value.
<armortype>_durability - how durable the armor is (how long it lasts). Range 1/2 to double original value.
The "orespawntweaks" section contains a few stray but useful settings.
PlayNicely under the "orespawntweaks" section
The "orespawnids" section contains the four basic settings that allow you to change the ranges of items, dimensions, blocks, and biomes. OreSapwn uses consecutive IDs beginning at the base number specified.
BaseBiomeID - default 120, size 4, Range 50 to 250.
BaseBlockID - default 2700, size about 300, Range 600 to 1800, or 2500 to 3600.
BaseDimensionID - default 80, size 5, Range 10 to 250.
BaseItemID - default 9000, size about 450, Range 3000 to 31500.
The "orespawnweapons" section allows changing various parameters for tools and weapons. Tools and weapons are made from a material. More than one set of weapons/tools can be made from one material. For example, Big Bertha and Slice use one material. The experience and emerald weapons also use the same material. This section describes the materials used.
<material>_damage - base damage for weapons made from this material. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
<material>_efficiency - how fast the tool works on what it was made for. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
<material>_enchantability - how much magic the material can hold. Bigger = more. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
<material>_harvestlevel - the maximum hardness of a material that this tool can harvest. Can be lowered 1. No max.
<material>_maxuses - how durable this material is. Bigger = lasts longer. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
UltimateBowDamage - damage the ultimate bow does per shot. Range 2-20.
UltimateSwordEnchantmentLevel - how much magic is put on the Ultimate Sword. Range 1-10.
Active/Deactive Boyfriends & Girlfriends & Bro Mode
Change the line "BoyfriendEnable 0" to"BoyfriendEnable 1". This enables Boyfriends.
To disable Girlfriends, change the line "GirlfriendEnable 1" to "GirlfriendEnable 0".
This will only stop creating new ones; it will not kill off any pre-existing ones.
Create a new world, and enjoy your new Boyfriends!
To change the Boyfriends to "Bro Mode", change the line "BoyfriendBroMode=0" to "BoyfriendBroMode=1".
Oops! I broke my OreSpawn.cfg file. What do I do?
Easy! Just delete it. Run the game. Stop the game. OreSpawn.cfg is completely reset and restored.
- GammaMetroid = WTF?
- Godzilla = Mobzilla
- Robot1 = Bomb-Omb
- Robot2 = Robo-Pounder
- Robot3 = Robo-Gunner
- Robot4 = Robo-Warrior
- Robot5 = Robo-Sniper
- TrooperBug = Jumpy Bug
Non-hostile mobs can be simply enabled or disabled via their <mobname>Enable= value. Hostile mobs have a few other settings that can be changed.
<mobname>Enable - default 1, 0 = no automatic spawning. Manual spawning via eggs still works. Existing mobs will stay. No new ones will be spawned.
<mobname>_attack - the attack value for the mob. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file.
<mobname>_defense - the armor/defense value for the mob. Can be adjusted up or down by 4, but not more than 22 or less than 0.
<mobname>_health - the health for that mob. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file.
The "orespawnores" section now allows you to have a little more control over ore rate and locations.
<orename>_clumpsize - is the size of the clump of ores in the ground. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file. Bigger = more.
<orename>_maxdepth - is the highest Y level at which the ore can be found. Must be greater than _mindepth.
<orename>_mindepth - is the lowest Y level at which the ore can be found. Must be less than _maxdepth.
<orename>_rate - is the relative rate that the ore is created. Range is 1/2 to double the original value in the config file. Bigger = more common.
The "orespawnarmor" section allows you to tweak armor values and enchantments up or down.
<armortype>_boots_damage_reduce - how much boots will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_chest_damage_reduce - how much chestplate will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_leggings_damage_reduce - how much leggings will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_head_damage_reduce - how much helmet will reduce attack damage. No max, can only be reduced by 2.
<armortype>_enchant_<enchantment> - the level of that enchantment for the armor. Min 1/2 original value, no max.
<armortype>_enchantability - the maximum magic this armor can handle. Range 1/2 to double original value.
<armortype>_durability - how durable the armor is (how long it lasts). Range 1/2 to double original value.
The "orespawntweaks" section contains a few stray but useful settings.
- AllMobsDisable - default 0, 1 = disable all mobs (instead of having to do them individually)
- BigBerthaPvP - default 0, 1 = allow PVP with Big Bertha/Slice/Royal Guardian Sword. NOT RECOMMENDED! Duh!
- BoyfriendBroMode - default 0, 1 = say things more appropriate between guys.
- DuplicatorTreeEnable - default 1, 0 = disable duplicating.
- IslandSizeFactor - default 2, range 1-5, size multiplier for floating islands
- IslandSPeedFactor - default 2, range 1-5, speed multiplier for floating islands
- LessOre - default 0, 1 = make ores more rare
- LessLag = default 0, 1 = a little bit less lag.
- GuiOverlayEnable - default 1, 0 = disable the "Girlfriend/Boss" health bar at the top of the screen
- GinormousEmeraldTreeEnable = default 1, 0 = disable the rare gold/diamond/emerald OMG Magic Apple tree
- RatPlayerFriendly - default 0, sets rats spawned by the Rat Sword friendly to ALL players, not just the sword holder.
- RatPetFriendly - default 0, sets Rats spawned by the Rat Sword friendly to ALL tamed pets, not just the sword holder's.
- NightmareSize - default 0, range 0-5, 0 = random size, 1=smallest, 5=biggest
- UltimateSwordPvP - default 0, 1 = allow PVP with the Ultimate Sword. Also NOT recommended.
- PlayNicely - default 0, 1 = ALL Orespawn mobs are non-hostile and non-destructive. Kraken, King, Mobzilla, and CaterKiller are all scaled down in size.
- RoaylGlideEnable - default 1, 0 = turn OFF glide on the Royal Armor boots.
- DragonFlyHorseFriendly - default 0, 1 = Dragonflies won't attack horses.
- Miner's DreamExpensive - default 0, 1 = makes harder to craft.
- FullPowerKingEnable - default 0, 1 = the full King's wrath. Backup your world first!
PlayNicely under the "orespawntweaks" section
- PlayNicely - default 0, 1 = ALL Orespawn mobs are non-hostile and non-destructive. Kraken, King, Mobzilla, and CaterKiller are all scaled down in size.
The "orespawnids" section contains the four basic settings that allow you to change the ranges of items, dimensions, blocks, and biomes. OreSapwn uses consecutive IDs beginning at the base number specified.
BaseBiomeID - default 120, size 4, Range 50 to 250.
BaseBlockID - default 2700, size about 300, Range 600 to 1800, or 2500 to 3600.
BaseDimensionID - default 80, size 5, Range 10 to 250.
BaseItemID - default 9000, size about 450, Range 3000 to 31500.
The "orespawnweapons" section allows changing various parameters for tools and weapons. Tools and weapons are made from a material. More than one set of weapons/tools can be made from one material. For example, Big Bertha and Slice use one material. The experience and emerald weapons also use the same material. This section describes the materials used.
<material>_damage - base damage for weapons made from this material. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
<material>_efficiency - how fast the tool works on what it was made for. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
<material>_enchantability - how much magic the material can hold. Bigger = more. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
<material>_harvestlevel - the maximum hardness of a material that this tool can harvest. Can be lowered 1. No max.
<material>_maxuses - how durable this material is. Bigger = lasts longer. Range is 1/2 to double the original value.
UltimateBowDamage - damage the ultimate bow does per shot. Range 2-20.
UltimateSwordEnchantmentLevel - how much magic is put on the Ultimate Sword. Range 1-10.
Active/Deactive Boyfriends & Girlfriends & Bro Mode
Change the line "BoyfriendEnable 0" to"BoyfriendEnable 1". This enables Boyfriends.
To disable Girlfriends, change the line "GirlfriendEnable 1" to "GirlfriendEnable 0".
This will only stop creating new ones; it will not kill off any pre-existing ones.
Create a new world, and enjoy your new Boyfriends!
To change the Boyfriends to "Bro Mode", change the line "BoyfriendBroMode=0" to "BoyfriendBroMode=1".
Oops! I broke my OreSpawn.cfg file. What do I do?
Easy! Just delete it. Run the game. Stop the game. OreSpawn.cfg is completely reset and restored.